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Aquarium of the Pacific - A Non-profit Organization
Today's Hours: 9:00 am – 9:00 pm

Philanthropy Highlights Spring 2024

Read about the enduring support of the Glass Guild and our education supporters.

Pinkish red octopus in profile

Day Octopus Credit: Aquarium of the Pacific/Robin Riggs

April 15, 2024

Spring 2024 Highlights

Couples examining Pacific Visions glass

Couples examine the glass panel exterior of the Honda Pacific Visions Theater. Credit: Aquarium of the Pacific/Andrew Reitsma

Glass Guild Offers Unique Philanthropic Opportunity

The Glass Guild features the Aquarium’s iconic biomorphic glass panels and stands as a testament to the enduring support of our donors. Each panel, reflecting light uniquely throughout the day and sparkling in rainy weather, offers a perpetual philanthropic opportunity for individuals, corporations, and foundations.

A special thank you to our Glass Guild members, whose contributions fuel our conservation endeavors, sustains our animal welfare initiatives, and enriches the educational experiences of countless students.

Long-standing Pacific Circle member Elizabeth Pearson and sister Kate Higgins have brought their children to the Aquarium for many years. They wanted to commemorate and support the importance of an organization that holds special memories for their family.

“It’s always been a place where we could take them, and they love everything about the Aquarium. It’s a great way to learn to effect change in our world and be mindful. Every time they go [to the Aquarium] they know they are a part of it.”

Join us and leave an everlasting legacy of philanthropy. Explore the transformative impact of the Glass Guild online.

Instructor showing boy and girl shark jaw

An Aquarium staff member helps young explorers discover the variety of shark jaws and other biofacts. Credit: Andrew Reitsma/Aquarium of the Pacific

Aquarium Thanks Education Supporters

Thank you to the Aquarium’s education supporters who continued to provide grants and donations in 2023.

American Honda Motor Co., Inc.
Appleby Foundation
Applied Medical
Attwood-Williams Charitable Foundation
Behr Paint Company
Evalyn M. Bauer Foundation
The Boeing Company
Johnny Carson Foundation
Dorrance Family Foundation
Edison International
Ella Fitzgerald Charitable Foundation
Sheila, Dave and Sherry Gold Foundation
The Henry L. Guenther Foundation
The Hearst Foundations
Bess J. Hodges Foundation
The Thomas and Dorothy Leavey Foundation
Marathon Petroleum Foundation
The Robert and Lisa Margolis Family Foundation
The Miller Foundation
John, Antonia & Giovanni Molina
The Rudolph J. & Daphne A. Munzer Foundation
National Marine Sanctuary Foundation
Margie and Frank Newell
Kenneth T. and Eileen L. Norris Foundation
The Reinhold Foundation
Sidney Stern Memorial Trust
Ned Solot and Corrin Yep
U.S. Bank
Watson Land Company
Khelly Webb
Windsong Trust
The Winnick Family Foundation
Tommy Wong
Whitney Young Children’s Foundation