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Aquarium of the Pacific - A Non-profit Organization
Today's Hours: 9:00 am – 9:00 pm

Hatching a New Generation of Conservationists

The Aquarium took six teens to Oaxaca, Mexico to learn about the local sea turtle conservation.

Figures walking below beach sun shade

Credit: Aquarium of the Pacific

January 24, 2024

Six teens traveled with Aquarium of the Pacific staff to Oaxaca, Mexico as part of a Student Eco Ambassadors (SEA) program this past November. The group partnered with a sea turtle researcher, who served as the instructor for the trip. The focus was to inspire youth and give them the opportunity to learn about sea turtle conservation.

“It was an honor being part of this amazing program! Not only did we learn about the importance of turtle conservation, but we also met amazing people from the local communities of Oaxaca”
Cristina Hernandez, 
Youth Volunteer Coordinator at the Aquarium of the Pacific

The teens patrolled the beaches at night watching for nesting turtles. The patrols are coordinated by the local hatchery every two hours. Some of the species seen at these beaches are olive Ridley and leatherback sea turtles. The teens also had the chance to release some turtle hatchlings in the morning. During the day, the students spent time learning about the local culture.

Two of the teens were sponsored by the Stanley G. Cohen Student Travel Award, generously provided by the Cohen family. This award allows students to travel and experience other cultures and in doing so, broaden their horizons and appreciation of the world.

“My father’s philosophy gave me the opportunity to travel with him and that love of travel is part of my life. My family wanted a way to honor my father while helping others.”
Andrew Cohen

Images from the trip

Turtle hatchling on beach